Monthly Archives: July 2018

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Apparently Coffee Milk is a thing and the official drink of Rode Island.  Not worth running a marathon for but the race was fun and FLAT!  Weather turned out to be fairly good for me, but not so pleasant for other folks.  It hovered in the low 40's with a STRONG wind for most of it.

I came in at 3:51 which put me at 20th overall and 8th in my age division which and had a great time.  I had Nili and Tal cheering for me and they came up with some really fun cheers with some stuffed animals from our friends Aaron and Valerie who we stayed with.

"Aligators, Snakes, and Lions!  We can see you're really try'n!"
"Porcupines, Bears and Snakes!  We all think you're really great!"

It has now been 5 years complete of running marathons and this was my 30th!  Felt really good to be under 4 hours again.  I tried a new approach: 10,10,10

10 miles at warmup relaxed effort (heart rate under 150)
10 K at effort (heart rate below 164)
10 miles whatever felt good but heart rate under 160

I'll try this strategy again.