Monthly Archives: January 2016

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My first trail marathon.  I was expecting to come in at 5 hours and managed to squeak in at 4:58!  Phew.  It was closer to being called a mud run than a trail run.  There was a half mile section that had turned to mud after the first lap (there were four laps) and made for a very unpleasant trudge.

Being my first trail run, I didn't quite know what to expect other than I had heard to add an hour to your marathon time.  So I was expecting 5 hours.  I had done a little trail training and saw how my 9:30 pace on the road turned into and 11:30 pace in the woods.  2 extra minutes/mile x 26 miles comes close to an extra hour of running.

It was very hilly and scenic.  There was very little flat, either running up hill or down hill which takes it's toll.  I was expecting to be much more sorer in my quads than it turned out to be.  I was very sore in my hamstrings, which means I was really working the legs right as they should have been for the marathon and my hip flexors didn't say a peep so I am very pleased with that aspect.  Knowing what I know now of a trail run, I'll train differently next time.  More strength training for the hamstrings and core.

The first lap (just over 6 miles) was really fun because of all the folks on the trail and it was all new and exciting.  The second lap was great too because it had thinned out and now started passing the slow half and full marathon runners.  The third lap sucked because the mud was unavoidable, few people out on the trails, and you knew there was still one more lap to go.  Fourth lap after the mud was great.  You knew it was the home stretch, was very familiar with the course, and you could go for 10 or 20 minutes at a stretch without seeing anyone, just enjoying running in the woods.

Even though the running was fun, the best part was spending time with my circus friends.  I stayed with Theresa Servici Bartlow and got to see the show.  Then immediately after the marathon we drove 3 hours to visit with Michael Frum in West Virginia.  So much driving, but some much fun.  I'd do it all again.

Here's a link to the results (top 33%):